Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Ranch

so i went out to the ranch tonight to go see if i could get a photo of the coyote that they see a lot.
Good news..we found her. Bad news... she escaped my lens. buttt i did get a lot of good photos of lola and jimbo as well as missi, smiley, and leo. and my camera had 2% battery left and half the time it said it had no battery and yet it kept on goin. hopefully, later on, i will be able to get a gorgeous photo of the coyote. until then, i'll stil with the animals and flowers :)

Finally decided a major

i've decided to either major in photography, web design, graphic communication, or something along those lines. i'm really excited because i've been so lost the past couple of years not knowing what i wanted to do. i am just so thrilled that i have some concept of my future and can't wait to get rollin with it. :)